Academic Team- Fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade students are welcome to try out for positions on the Academic Team in the Fall. Mrs. Amber Dwyer, Mrs. Shannon Jolly, Mrs. Ashley Ausbrooks, Mrs. Jordan Zeller, Mrs. Kathy Austin are all sponsors.
Archery- Sixth-grade students are welcome to join Archery. Mr. Theirl, Mrs. Kerr, and Mrs. Allen are the club sponsors.
Art Club- Art Club is available to Primary and Intermediate students. Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Ketchem are the sponsors.
Band- Sixth grade students are welcome to join Band and learn musical skills on an instrument of their choice. Band meets every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7:55 to 8:35. There are club fees to rent your instrument.
Beta Club- Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students are invited to join the Beta Club based on maintaining high grade point averages. Mrs. Dwyer and Mrs. Ausbrooks are the 4th/5th club sponsors. Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Meredith will sponsor the 6th grade Beta club.
Choir- Fifth and sixth grade students who love to sing are welcome to join choir. There are club fees for travel to performances. Mrs. Austin is the club sponsor.
Cub Scouts/ Boy Scouts-The program of Cub Scouts is open to all boys from 7-10 years of age and runs year round. Boy Scouting also runs year round and is open to boys from 11-17 years of age. Character strengthening, personal fitness, and good citizenship are stressed. These meetings are after school hours. Please call the office for more information.
FPS- Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students are welcome to tryout for the Future Problem Solvers club. FPS meets every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon until 4:30 or 5:00. There are no club fees. Mrs. Jolly is the club sponsor.
Garden Club- The garden club is made up of sixth grade students. The Two Creeks Garden Club sponsors the club. Mrs. O'Nan and Mrs. Powers are the school sponsors.
Girl Scouts- Divisions of the Girl Scouts organization are Daisy (ages 5-6), Brownie (ages 6-8), Junior Girl Scouts (ages 8-11), and Cadettes (ages 11-14). Meetings are after school hours. Please call the office for more information.
Good Deeds Club- Kindergarten, first grade, second grade and third grade students are welcome to join the Good Deeds Club. The club meets the third Thursday every month after school until 4:45. There are no club fees. The club sponsors are Mrs. Hardcastle, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Hamby
Light House Team- Members of the Light House Team are teacher recommended from each grade as leader representatives for our school. Members meet every other Wednesday morning from 7:00-7:45. Club sponsors are Mrs. Michelle Roberts, Mrs. Jamie Rector and Mrs. Ashley Ausbrooks.
ORFF- Fifth and sixth grade students are welcome to join ORFF. ORFF is a xylophone ensemble. The club meets during the school day once a week. There are club fees for travel performances. Mrs. Austin is the club sponsor.
Robotics- Fifth and returning sixth grade students are welcome to join Robotics. Club fees are $25. Mrs. Herald is the club sponsor.
STLP - STLP is the Student Technology Leadership Program. Third through sixth grade students are welcome to join. There are club fees for travel to competitions. Mrs. Rector and Mrs. Gould are the club sponsors.
Leading Ladies- Sponsors Ms. Butts, Mrs. McClard, Mrs. Hancock, and Mrs. Dwyer.
Chess Club- Sponsors Mrs. Amy Yates and Mrs. Tanya Counts
Bluebird Jumpers- Sponsor Mrs. Julie Lane
Photography Club- Sponsor Mrs. Teesha Keen
Boys to Men- Sponsors Mr. George Parker and Mr. John Adams
Soccer Club- Sponsor Ms. Caroline Buchanan